Chris Martz and Patrick Phelps-McKeown, Co-Founders of the Iteratoor project
Our community was thrilled to have Chris Martz and Patrick Phelps-McKeown, Co-Founders of the Iteratoor project, on yet another episode of NewForum. Chris is a Digital Web3 Artist, Creative Director, and Designer; who has worked in Web3 companies such as Uniswap. Patrick is an Artist, Musician, and Designer.
“I am not sure if NFTs are going to be the solution to a lot of problems that the world has, but I think they are at least getting us thinking in new mindsets that maybe we weren’t considering before…” — Chris Martz, Iteratoor
Chris’s experience in Web3 goes back a while ago; he got into Crypto/Web3 in 2014 when he started working on some early Crypto projects, pre-decentralized exchanges.
“Back when Ethereum and Ripple were the biggest coins and Bitcoin of course-I sort of have two phases; an early phase which was around collecting and holding coins and I will say my real Web3 experience started at the launch of FWB…” — Chris Martz, Iteratoor
Chris credits FWB for his enjoyable first real experience in Web3. Being early in the community influenced and opened up several doors for him to work at companies like; Uniswap, Bitcoin, and currently Rabbit Hole, Prism, and others.
On the other hand, Patrick’s background, in general, is in Visual Arts, Music Performing Arts.
“ I am very new to the world of Web3, it was about a year ago when Chris and I started having those conversations that led to Iteratoor…” — Patrick Phelps-McKeown, Iteratoor
Patrick credits his Web3 experience to their innovative and genius project, Iteratoor, and to having friends in his local community who are starting to get curious about the space.
“I would love to see more development in this space. Is like the ways to connect what can be very abstract and kind of like divorced from “reality world of Web3” to like very tangible IRL issues like housing and like Artist support…” — Patrick Phelps-McKeown, Iteratoor
They shared all about their journey into Web3 in their full interview!
Fun Fact:
Chris and Patrick went to high school together and have known each other for over twenty years; they have collaborated on various creative projects even before getting into Web3. This friendship built on trust and appreciation for each other’s work carved over the years has had such a positive influence on the Iteratoor project.
You will understand what we mean by a positive influence when you watch their full interview to hear them articulate everything about the project, showcasing the intricate, hand-drawn designs with colors that will surely put you in a spectacular mood.
On top of that, it is an open-source project. The Iteratoor Project Founders cared to implement a Creative Common License, which changes how Creators and the Iteratoor community interact with NFTs. The duo also dived into a conversation about the potential of licenses in the future.
So how did these two come together to Co-Found Iteratoor? What was the vision, mission, impact, and mark they hope to make in Web3 and the Creator Economy?
Enjoy the whole episode with Chris and Patrick, hear all about their transparent and innovative project! Chris and Patrick also talked about their experience with Web3. They also shared their perspective on Decentralization-how it can help Artists distribute their work and find monetization automation and opportunities! Finally, they touched on the importance of collaboration between Artists in Web3 and the essential utility for NFTs.
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