The challenge
We are about to redefine how we perceive and validate online identity and reputation. It’s not just a hackathon… it’s the start of a new wave for web3 and a network of partner builders!

The thesis

The next generation of networks will be self-sovereign: instead of having to re-create your identity inside each platform or network, we will keep our data at the account level and travel across digital landscapes with our profile and all our interaction histories. Beyond interoperability, ownership and freedom, this new generation of networks will be exponentially more intelligent and useful, while preserving our privacy. Imagine a world where a like on social media increases your ranking on an NFT market. Imagine applications where you can instantly trust strangers online without knowing their name. To enable this, we need tools, pipelines...

Building the ramps for this decentralized future‍
• Proof-of-Achievements can be based on milestones reached inside your or a third-party application.
Proving Humanity Create algorithms that sift through blockchain data to affirm the human essence behind the codes and numbers.
Capturing Creativity Can a wallet's history tell a story of creativity? You'll invent ways to identify and celebrate the ingenuity within blockchain events.
Assessing Trustworthiness Trust is paramount in the digital world. Craft tools that pinpoint trust-building events, adding a new dimension to online reputations.
Highlighting Participation in Valuable Endeavours Help build the future by recognizing participation in socially valuable projects.

They will help users gain trust from the internet while preserving their privacy, thanks to Newcoin, Sismo Connect, Ceramic verifiable credentials, via the Disco API.

Check the bounty list: more than $200,000 in bounties with extended deadlines.

Credentials Normalization Pipelines
Build tools to authenticate signals from Web2 and blockchain data histories and normalize them into onchain Soulbound Tokens and offchain Verifiable Credentials.
Value and Encode Social Capital Across Networks
Tap into the vast expanse of data signals and point at what matters: Holding a special NFT? Receiving a like from Vitalik on Twitter? 1000 stars on your GitHub project?
Craft Intelligent Algorithmic Scores to Compute Credentials
Build privacy-preserving algorithms to compute credentials and generate identity proxies measuring personhood, creativity and trustworthiness for decentralized identifiers.
Join our brainstorm sessions to jam with mentors and other builders: tag @newforum_nco on Twitter, you will invited to hackathon twitter spaces.

Explore Challenge Details
David Sneider
Sofiane Delloue
Richard Muirhead
Rebecca Liao
IdentityWoman Kaliya Young
Saffron Huang
Chase Chapman
Joe Gerber
Nichanan Kesonpat
Scott Moore
Evin McMullen
Danny Zuckerman
Hadrien Charlanes
Puja Ohlhaver
Mentors are here to help, DMs open